Visit our Web Shop! - London's specialists in window boxes and container gardens delivered to your door. Funky garden accessories and planters also available. Corporate and bespoke services.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Coming up with original gift ideas that delight is one of the most difficult things about christmas. However, at you can delight your friends and family with original and thoughtful gifts.
  • For your 'foodie' friend - A Herbie on the Sill herb garden. How wonderful for them to have to hand such a delicious range of fresh living herbs to use in recipes!
  • For your friend with the small London apartment -  a winter windowbox to put on their balcony. The Holly and Ivy box makes a dramatic seasonal statement. When everyone else brings their plants inside, your friend can take them outside.
  • For your best friend -  our new 'Winter Wonderland' box. These contain three luxurious  white heather plants in a striking silver container. 
  • For Mum - choose from our excellent value range of William Morris inspired garden accessories. The colourful metallic watering cans also make nice ornaments for in the home or for growing house plants in!

Who said Christmas needed to be difficult! ...We'll even let you pre-order and we'll deliver in the week before christmas so that you don't need to store the gifts for ages. We call every customer to arrange delivery - just tell us what is easiest for you.

Little Green Space. Little Green Christmas.

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