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Monday, 20 April 2009

Waves of Spring Bulbs

You can really pack flowers into a container if you choose bulbs that flower from Febuary through to May. This can be achieved by planting different bulbs at different depths. My suggestion is crocuses followed by small early daffs – ‘Febuary gold’, then grape hyacinths & snakeshead fritillarys with tulips and Turkscap lillies (Martagon) for later in the season.

In october, get a decent sized pot, and some John Innes No 2 potting compost. Fill the pot to about 7 inches below the rim. Plant your tulips and turkscap lillies, then cover them with soil and gently firm. Next layer is your daffodils, filling again with soil. Lastly, in go your crocuses, grape hyacinths & snakeshead fritillarys, adding a final 2 inches of soil to about an inch below the rim. If they’re to live in the sun, only the tulips will need removing. The rest should come back next spring.

Written By Tom O'Leary

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