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Saturday, 28 March 2009

Floating Cuttings

Taking cuttings is fun and here is a little technique you might like to share with your kids. A lot of cuttings root in water and a fun way to do it is make little boats from polystyrene and insert the cuttings through them like masts, so that just the bottom centimeter or so of stem is under the water. The advantages to this method are that the cuttings are always kept at the right level in the water and movement has a curiously positive effect.
There are no rules about what will root and what won’t but you may like to start with something quick and easy like fuchsias, dahlias, geraniums, or busy lizzies. If you are going to grow on the plants in compost, don’t let the water roots get before potting them up or they will find it harder to adapt to life in soil.

Written by Alistair Ayres

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