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Tuesday 14 April 2009

Blind Bulbs

A bulb is said to have gone blind when it produces no flowers. Ninety percent of the time this is because it is in too shady a position, and cannot make enough food for next year.

This is a shame, because they do so much to make the early spring garden, whilst all else slumbers. So if your daffs are in shade- move them into the sun after they’ve flowered, or if you have no room, dig them up with a sharp pointed trowel and throw them on the compost or recycling, and plant new bulbs next autumn.

With tulips you should jettison them as soon as they finish flowering, as they generally fail to produce the next year, or make puny blooms. They need ideal conditions to thrive, and it’s generally not possible to reproduce these.

The wonderful grape hyacinth should be dug up some six weeks after flowering and stored in a cool dry place, to be replanted the next autumn. Otherwise they produce lots of boring, space-consuming foliage.

Written By Tom O'Leary

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